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Facials are a great way to refresh your appearance and clean out your pores, helping to exfoliate the skin and prevent acne breakouts. At Alta Vista Dermatology, we offer a range of facial options to help our patients achieve their aesthetic goals. We welcome patients from Highlands Ranch and Denver, CO.

What is a Facial?

A facial is a relaxing rejuvenation treatment that cleanses and exfoliates the facial skin. These treatments are excellent options for patients who are looking to refresh their appearance and achieve a radiant glow. Facials are also beneficial for patients with acne, as they can help rid the skin of breakouts and prevent new ones from occurring. Our facials are highly customizable, allowing us to design each treatment around the patient’s unique needs.

Facials are a relaxing and gentle treatment that require no anesthetic. The face is first cleansed using our unique facial products. Then, any additional components will be performed. This can include pore cleansing and extraction, and often includes an exfoliation component. Any special peels will be performed after the initial cleanse. The length of your facial will depend on the facial being performed, but they are generally performed in under an hour.

What Kind of Facials Are Available?

All of our facial treatments include our standard Alta Vista MedSpa facial, which we customize to match the unique needs of your skin. This facial is designed to exfoliate and sooth the skin, and also includes a pore cleansing component to fight acne. We also offer a standalone acne pore cleanse facial, which may be ideal for patients with sensitive skin who are only looking for an acne treatment. For patients looking for a specialized treatment experience, we offer our standard facial in combination with a VISIA skin analysis. The VISIA analysis system allows us to take an incredibly detailed look at your skin, providing us with the information necessary to pinpoint issues in the skin and treat them directly. Those looking for a more aggressive facial experience may want to consider our standard peel in combination with an Illuminize peel. The Illuminize peel is a mild chemical peel that is designed to provide a more dramatic increase in skin brightness and radiance after a single treatment.

What Can I Expect After a Facial?

Most patients enjoy an instant improvement in the radiance and brightness of their skin immediately after their treatment. In some cases, you may experience redness after your treatment, but this should fade within a few hours. There is no downtime required after your treatment, so you can expect to resume work and other normal activities upon leaving your appointment. Some patients may choose to have additional or regular facials to improve or maintain their results.

How Much Does a Facial Cost?

To determine the exact cost of your facial treatment, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our office. During your consultation, we will develop a personalized treatment plan that will satisfy your unique needs and produce the best results possible. At that point, we will be able to provide you with a clear breakdown of the costs associated with your treatment. To help make our services affordable for our patients, we are proud to offer financing through CareCredit®. We also accept cash, checks and major credit cards.

Alta Vista Dermatology offers customizable facials to the residents of Denver, Highlands Ranch, and the surrounding areas of Colorado. If you would like to learn more about these treatments or schedule a consultation, please contact us today.

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